Advancing Rights at the Intersection of Gender and Disability
We envision a just world where the human rights and inherent dignity of women, girls, and gender-diverse people with disabilities are fully realized and recognized.
Our updated vision broadens the scope of WEI’s long-term impact, portraying the change we want to have on the world that women, girls, and gender-diverse people inhabit.
As feminists with disabilities and allies, we advance human rights and justice at the intersection of gender and disability to challenge exclusionary, unjust systems and support the leadership and center the voices of women, girls, and gender-diverse people with disabilities globally.
Our Herstory
Women Enabled International was founded in 2012 by Stephanie Ortoleva to address a gap she could no longer abide between disability rights and women’s rights. WEI pioneered the application of an intersectional gender and disability framework to international human rights advocacy.
Our Funders
Women Enabled International is deeply grateful for the generous support of our donors who share our commitment to advancing the rights of women and girls with disabilities worldwide.
Our work simply would not be possible without grants and in-kind contributions from the sources below, as well as from individuals who support us through online donations, Facebook fundraisers, workplace giving programs, and other meaningful gifts throughout the year:
Please consider joining our supporters by making a donation to WEI today
The Ford Foundation is proud to support WEI’s pioneering human rights work at the intersection of gender and disability justice. They were among the very first grantees of our program, which speaks to their exceptional leadership across movements, their solid reputation in the funding community for effective programs and management, and the potential we see for continued growth and far-reaching impact.
– Radha WickremasingheGlobal Program Officer, Gender Racial and Ethnic Justice – International

Selected Partner Spotlights
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Women Enabled International is committed to financial transparency.