Why Digital Accessibility
At WEI we are committed to access to information we provide in line with accessibility standards and guidelines (Section 508, WCAG video overview). Access to digital content is as critical as physical access to a building for example. Data is an important aspect of all areas of life and it is important that users with disabilities have equal access to all information.
Tips for Accessible Meetings
Accessibility and provision of reasonable accommodations are integral to meeting planning and participation. This resource provides general recommendations and good practices to ensure the full and equal participation of people with disabilities in international meetings. However, always keep in mind that the guiding principle to making any meeting inclusive is: When in doubt, ask the person with a disability. People with disabilities know their needs best.

Tips for Accessible Social Media
By implementing these good practices for social media users, organizations and individuals can enable people with disabilities or people using assistive technologies to fully engage with and participate in their online communities and conversations.