Our Bodies, Our Rights! Addressing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender-Based Violence for Women and Young Persons with Disabilities: An In-Person Workshop Curriculum for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities

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This in-person workshop curriculum for organizations of persons with disabilities—Our Bodies, Our Rights! Addressing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Gender-Based Violence for Women and Young Persons with Disabilities—was designed for facilitators with disabilities to provide information and experiential learning for women and young persons with disabilities to deepen their expertise on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and the right to be free from gender-based violence (GBV). 

The goal of the workshop is to provide participants with knowledge about sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender-based violence to enable them to advocate for their rights to access available, accessible, acceptable, and good-quality sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence services. It is designed to be used as a train the trainers workshop. 

The multi-day curriculum is designed to be used for in-person workshops. It includes a facilitators’ guide and slides to be presented to participants throughout the workshop. The workshop is organized into six sessions: three sessions on sexual and reproductive health and rights and three sessions on the right to be free from gender-based violence. Each session includes detailed information and interactive activities to facilitate learning. 

For those wishing to conduct a virtual workshop, please use the virtual curriculum: https://womenenabled.org/reports/our-bodies-our-rights-virtual-workshop-curriculum.

This curriculum is designed to be paired with: “Women and Young People with Disabilities: Guidelines for Providing Rights-Based and Gender-Responsive Services to Address Gender-Based Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Services,” developed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Women Enabled International (WEI). The guidelines were created for service providers and other stakeholders to learn how to improve access to sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence services for women and young people with disabilities.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Women Enabled International (WEI) developed this curriculum in partnership with organizations of persons with disabilities and UNFPA Country Offices. In 2021, WEI and UNFPA, together with UNFPA’s China Country Office, the Shanghai Youren Foundation, and One Plus One Disability Group, developed and piloted in China a virtual curriculum and workshop. The following year, UNFPA’s Botswana Country Office and the Young People with Disabilities Network piloted the virtual training package and also developed and piloted an in-person curriculum and workshop in Botswana.