2020 Annual Report

Cover of Women Enabled International 2020 Annual Report featuring a close-up image of a person wearing a brightly decorated surgical face mask gazing up and into the distance.

In a year marked by crisis and assault on human rights, particularly for women and other gender minorities with disabilities, Women Enabled International and our partners around the world drew on our collective strength and expanded the limits of our resiliency.

We equipped feminists with disabilities to use their power to claim their rights, compelled governments to acknowledge and address discrimination, expanded the evidence-base for intersectional gender- and disability-inclusive responses to urgent humanitarian needs, and provided training and resources necessary to make laws, systems, and services more inclusive, accessible and just.

Your steadfast support makes our work possible. We thank you and hope you will continue to advocate alongside us to champion equality and justice for all.

Click to read our 2020 Annual Report and learn how Women Enabled International met the moment during a pivotal year of global transformation.