
Ishani Cordeiro

Advocacy & Accountability Manager at Women Enabled International

Ishani is the Manager, Advocacy & Accountability at Women Enabled. She is a gender rights activist and human rights lawyer from India. Ishani comes with more than a decade of experience in the areas of human rights with a focus on communities and collectives at the margins. She approaches her work with an intersectional, global south lens framed within race, class, and caste realities.

Ishani has extensive experience in movement building and influencing international advocacy and policy. Grounding her feminism, politics and practice within intersectional realities from the global south context, Ishani has worked with community-based organisations, NGOs and movements centring the voices of those historically and structurally marginalised. The focus of her work has been three-pronged – strengthening capacities of activists and movements; building cross-movement, cross-regional collaborations and learnings; and prioritising global south voices in international advocacy including policies and spaces.

Ishani holds a Masters in Law with a specialisation in International Human Rights from the University of Galway, Ireland. She also holds a B.A. in philosophy from the University of Delhi.

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