Amanda McRae
Advocacy & Accountability Director at Women Enabled International
Amanda is a disabled feminist human rights advocate based in New York City. She joined WEI in 2016, leading the organization’s advocacy work at the United Nations and beyond. Since graduating from law school in 2009, Amanda has continually worked to advance gender and/or disability-related rights globally, including as a Global Advocacy Advisor at the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) and as a fellow and researcher focused on disability rights at Human Rights Watch. Amanda is particularly proud of the leading WEI’s research, advocacy, and capacity strengthening work for a gender- and disability-inclusive, human-rights based response to COVID-19. as well as CRR’s advocacy to inform the development of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) alongside feminist and human rights activists from around the world. She is also the author of the 2010 Human Rights Watch report, “‘Once You Enter, You Never Leave: Deinstitutionalization of Persons with Intellectual or Mental Disabilities in Croatia,” which was one of the first reports from a general global human rights organization to invoke the CRPD.
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